The Shork Cafe's good dragoness


Nichelle Valois


Nightfury Dragoness


Nichelle is an anthropomorphic nightfury dragoness, standing at human height of 1,85m. She has smooth black scales, which give her a sleek, almost glossy appearance. Her eyes are a soft spring green, with pupils that can dilate from cat-like slits to almost square, characteristic of nightfury dragons. She often wears leather or rubber harnesses, traditional attire that serves both functional and decorative purposes. But she also loves ballroom dresses in crystal colors.


Nichelle hails from a tribe of nightfury dragons with a history of interactions and interbreeding with humans, leading to her anthropomorphic features. Her great-great-grandparents' close relationships with a Viking tribe contributed significantly to this evolution. Unlike her ancestors, who remained more secluded, Nichelle is one of the first fully anthropomorphic nightfury dragonesses, able to communicate fluently in human languages.


Nichelle works at the Shork Cafe on Shork Island, where she performs a variety of roles. She serves customers, participates in supply runs, acts as a lifeguard, and is part of the security team. Her smooth scales allow her to work directly in the nursery without additional coverings, making her a versatile and valued member of the team.

Skills and Interests:

Nichelle is friendly, cheerful, and always eager to help. She has a deep, soothing voice and enjoys sharing stories about her tribe's history and her adventures. In addition to her cafe duties, she assists in the local piercing studio, helping with both piercings and brandings. Nichelle has a passion for jewelry and enjoys adorning humans with various pieces. Her traditional harnesses have practical applications, such as carrying freight or positioning a human male during mating flights.


Nichelle is known for her friendly demeanor and willingness to assist others. She is deeply invested in fostering relationships between humans and nonhumans, aligning perfectly with the Shork Group's mission. Her nurturing nature and strong sense of community make her a beloved figure on Shork Island.

Last modified: le 2024/07/21 13:37