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team:start [2024/07/24 08:39] kaahupahauteam:start [2024/09/24 09:28] (current) – [The Shork Team] kaahupahau
Line 7: Line 7:
 [[:team:Vixen_Sharpfang|Vixy Sharpfang]] \\ [[:team:Vixen_Sharpfang|Vixy Sharpfang]] \\
 [[:team:Haidi_White|Ms. White]] \\ [[:team:Haidi_White|Ms. White]] \\
 +[[:team:Bob_Gullwing|Bob Gullwing]], who is the first of the team to have arrived in reality!\\
 [[:team:Alessandra_Librosquala|Alessandra Librosquala]] \\ [[:team:Alessandra_Librosquala|Alessandra Librosquala]] \\
 [[:team:Samejima_Suzumei|Samejima Suzumei]] \\ [[:team:Samejima_Suzumei|Samejima Suzumei]] \\
Last modified: le 2024/07/24 08:39