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team:start [2024/02/13 18:03] kaahupahauteam:start [2024/09/24 09:28] (current) – [The Shork Team] kaahupahau
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 [[:team:Kaahupahau_Sharpfang|Ka'ahupahau Sharpfang]] \\ [[:team:Kaahupahau_Sharpfang|Ka'ahupahau Sharpfang]] \\
 [[:team:Kajal_Fastfang|Kajal Fastfang]] \\ [[:team:Kajal_Fastfang|Kajal Fastfang]] \\
-[[:team:Vixen|Vixy Sharpfang]] \\+[[:team:Vixen_Sharpfang|Vixy Sharpfang]] \\
 [[:team:Haidi_White|Ms. White]] \\ [[:team:Haidi_White|Ms. White]] \\
 +[[:team:Bob_Gullwing|Bob Gullwing]], who is the first of the team to have arrived in reality!\\
 [[:team:Alessandra_Librosquala|Alessandra Librosquala]] \\ [[:team:Alessandra_Librosquala|Alessandra Librosquala]] \\
 [[:team:Samejima_Suzumei|Samejima Suzumei]] \\ [[:team:Samejima_Suzumei|Samejima Suzumei]] \\
 +[[:team:Yavannah_Halostar|Yavannah Halostar]] and her [[https://yavannah.blogsite.org/doku.php?id=start|homepage]] \\
 +===== Sizes =====
 +When Miss Haidi is 2,10m (7ft) tall and slender-athletic, 
 +  * Kajal would be 1,90m (6ft 1/3) and athletic,  
 +  * Kaahupahau 1,85m (6ft and some) and slender, 
 +  * Vixy would be 1,60m (5ft 1/3) and curvy, 
 +  * Yavannah would be about 1,80m (6ft) and curvy-athletic and 
 +  * Nichelle would be about 1,75m (5ft 5/6) and curvy-stocky. 
 +  * Samejima would be about 1,50m (5ft) and outright elfin. 
Last modified: le 2024/02/13 18:03