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Happy Milk Inc. - Lifestock

The ingredients used in the various Shork Icecream Cafes and Restaurants come from various sources. Milk and several other resources come from Happy Milk Inc, another subsidiary of the Shork Group.

Happy Milk operates a lot of so-called “Vertical Farms”, that is, farms located in otherwise abandoned skyscrapers or warehouses. The reason is to produce the goods as close to the consumer as possible.
Happy Milk takes it's own name very serious. Their special breed of Black Angus cows, jokingly referred to as “Rubber Cows” due to their furs slick black colour, are treated well above the average standards in the industry, resulting in long lives for the cows.

Lifecycle of a cow in a normal dairy farm

Here's a general overview of the lifecycle of a typical cow in a commercial farming setting, keeping in mind that practices may vary based on location, farming methods, and individual circumstances:

In some cases, they may be retired and live out the rest of their lives on the farm.

It's important to note that animal welfare standards vary globally, and some farms prioritize the well-being of their animals more than others. In more humane farming systems, efforts are made to provide better living conditions, reduce stress, and minimize pain during procedures.

Lifecycle of a cow in a Happy Milk Inc dairy farm

Here's the ethically designed lifecycle for rubber cows in Happy Milk Inc dairy farms, considering their well-being at each stage:

Lifetime Production Overview:

Happy Milk Inc's approach prioritizes the well-being and ethical treatment of cows throughout their lives, with a focus on a natural and caring lifecycle.