Table of Contents

Legacy Page - No longer relevant for Shork Cafe OSGrid!

2022-09-04 Team Meeting


  1. Prepare Agendas before meetings and announce their presence in the group at least a day, better several days earlier.
  2. Check out Doodle for a staff scheduling utility
  3. Check out Trello as an alternative
  4. Remember to keep requirements as low as possible: no real life data, ideally no registration, ease of use, linkable entries
  5. Check features / plugins for the Cafe website wiki
  6. Option to upload images / screenshots / kinky, cleaned chatlogs from SL to a repository , or group / member permissions in the wiki again?
  7. Evaluate payment options for active members ( Waitresses )
  8. Add secondary sets of great greeters to the biodoll facility / cafe
  9. consideruse great greeter module to notify designated waitresses upon customer arrival
  10. designate teammembers to be notified of newly arriving customers.
