Note:\\ - This page is rated "PG" / "PG13". - Pages beginning with "Avatars" located under the "Shork Industries" / "Avatars" section are rated "PG" / "PG13". - All other pages located under the Shork Industries" / "Avatars" section are to be rated rated "Adult" unless stated differently in their header. - Treat all pages outside the Shork Industries" / "Avatars" section as "Adult" unless stated differently in their header. Viewers discretion is advised. \\ ====== Equine Avatars ====== There are two baseline variants of equines:\\ Horses and Zebras\\ Horses are the domesticated descentdants of equines from the various steppes of the Eurasian continent, which did decide to stick around with humans. There is a rich variety of races available, mostly distiguished by their furpatterns, which will slowly be expanded over time. Zebras are the mostly undomesticated wild equines of the African continent. Due to not having been domesticated, there are less variants of them around. ===== Package forms ===== ^Keyword ^ Contents ^ |Boxed | Contains male and female avatar plus additional material. Usually a box or chest in shape, which needs unpacking. | |Female | Contains a female avatar, directly wearable. | |Male | Contains a male avatar, directly wearable. | |Components | Contains additional components for a given avatar. | ===== Versioning Information ===== ^ Version ^ Contents ^ | V0.x | Prerelease versions. Handed out to artists and and a few others to help design the initial skin and shape file sets. Contains all mesh files. | | V1.0 | Initial release. Hopefully will be the only needed release for the big cat avatars | ===== Upgrade Packages ===== Currently we hope to get everything right with the v1.0 releases. ===== Mesh Import Information ===== Due to the new design process, all equine components are "mostly the right size" when you assume a large avatar. We scaled down the in-world avatars to about 85% of the source file sizes. ====== Horse Avatar ====== The following people helped create the Horse avatars:\\ **Creating Artist:**\\ **Commissioning Party:**\\ The "Shork Icecream Cafe" Group:\\ Kaahupahau Sharpfang @ osgrid ; kaahupahau Resident @ SL \\ **Additional Features & Functions:**\\ For further entries, check the Components segment further down, where the creators are listed with their creations. ===== Mesh Components and UV Maps for horse avatars ===== The Mesh components are the parts that are tacked on to a human base avatar and are identical for all horse avatars.\\ The UV Maps can be used as a transparent overlay to create your own individualized Skins, alpha layers and BOM style clothes.\\ The human body UV Map you can download from [[|Robinwood's SL Tutorials]] .\\ ^ Type ^ Creator ^ ZIP-Archive ^ | Horse ^ ^ ^ Mesh Files | by | Zip-Archive | ^ UV Map | by | Zip Archive | ^ Alpha Layer | by | Zip Archive | ===== Horse Textures ===== ^ Race ^ Creator ^ ZIP-Archive ^ ^ Black Horse | \\ | Default Black Horse | ====== Zebra Avatar ====== The following people helped create the Zebra avatars:\\ **Creating Artist:**\\ **Commissioning Party:**\\ The "Shork Icecream Cafe" Group:\\ Kaahupahau Sharpfang @ osgrid ; kaahupahau Resident @ SL \\ **Additional Features & Functions:**\\ For further entries, check the Components segment further down, where the creators are listed with their creations. ===== Mesh Components and UV Maps for Zebra avatars ===== The Mesh components are the parts that are tacked on to a human base avatar and are identical for all horse avatars.\\ The UV Maps can be used as a transparent overlay to create your own individualized Skins, alpha layers and BOM style clothes.\\ The human body UV Map you can download from [[|Robinwood's SL Tutorials]] .\\ ^ Type ^ Creator ^ ZIP-Archive ^ | Zebra ^ ^ ^ Mesh Files | by | Zip-Archive | ^ UV Map | by | Zip Archive | ^ Alpha Layer | by | Zip Archive | ===== Zebra Textures ===== ^ Race ^ Creator ^ ZIP-Archive ^ ^ Zebra | \\ | Default Zebra |